Sunday, November 01, 2020

How To Cancel Your Account Delete Your Profile ( has been around for a very long time, many, many years. Who knows how many millions of dollars they have siphoned from the pockets of unknowing consumers duping them and deceiving them. If you had enough of and you're ready to cancel your account we have a tutorial explaining exactly how to do it. This tutorial covers how to cancel your paid membership and also how to delete your profile from the site. One thing you need to realize is that is in the business of making money and not actually offering a valid dating service. This company uses a handful of dirty tricks to scam people. If you got scammed by Sex Search we strongly recommend you contact your bank and your credit card company and tell them what happened. Hopefully you can get reimbursed for the money you lost by purchasing a membership on this phone a dating website. Please follow the directions below to cancel your membership and remove your profile from their site.

How To Cancel Your Free Account And Remove Your Profile

When it comes to deleting your free account on profile unfortunately from our research they will not allow you to remove your profile from their site. The only thing they let you do on SexSearchcom is to "hide your profile". When you hide your profile it means no one can search for you. Your profile page will not pop up when someone does a search according to the parameters they are searching for. What we suggest you do is to delete your profile pictures and change all your personal information such as your city, state, age and everything else that would identify you. This will make your profile obsolete because it wouldn't be your profile.

Login to

Click on "Show/Hide My Profile".

A pop up will appear, click on "show",and you will see the word "hide."

This will hid your profile on the site.

Click save.

Your profile page will be hidden from anyone doing searches.

Steps To Cancel Your Paid Membership / Subscription

You need to get a hold of support using this email address at least 5 days before your membership expires.

Email them stating that you want to cancel your account.

How To Contact Customer Support

Contact customer service at, and you can call them at 866-994-5908. Their address according to their site is 5400 N.W. 23rd Avenue, Tamarac, FL, 33309

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