Sunday, November 01, 2020

How To Cancel You Membership And Delete Your Profile has been around for a few years now. They have been operating in the same fashion for years.They continue to use made up fake profiles called "Online Emissaries (see section 14). A quick review and look at their terms and conditions page still shows that they're using these bogus profile pages to trick members. Purchasing a membership on this site is basically paying for a fraud since the site is completely misleading people. If by any chance you have a paid membership on the site you can call your bank and try and get those charges reversed because this site is not what it claims to be. It's not a dating service, it's a well-organized online scheme to dupe people into paying for an upgraded membership fee that is utterly useless.

If you'd like to cancel your paid membership and delete your profile from the site we have all that information available for you in the tutorial, available below.

How To Cancel Your Free Account And Remove Your Profile

When looking for information on how to delete a profile the only thing we could come up with is to hide your profile on the site. Deleting your profile is impossible because doesn't give people the option to delete their profile page from their dating service. Since you can't actually delete your profile we came up with another idea. You can edit your profile, so what we suggest you do is to delete any photographs you have on your profile and switch up any information you have on your page. You can change your location, change your age, change your birth date, and change everything else so then the profile will not be of you. That's the best we can come up with since Xpress won't give people the option of removing their profile!

Login to

Click on "Show/Hide My Profile".

A pop up will appear, click on "show",and you will see the word "hide."

This will hide your profile on the site.

Click save.

Your profile page will be hidden from anyone doing searches.

Steps To Cancel Your Paid Membership / Subscription

You need to get a hold of support using this email address at least 5 days before your monthly subscription expires.

In the email tell them that you want to cancel your paid membership agreement.

How To Contact Customer Service

Contact customer support at Their support / service page is here. Their address is 8770 Sunset Drive, #190 Miami, Florida 33173-3512, United States

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