Friday, December 14, 2018 How to Delete Your Profile and Stop Receiving Email

Please Note: To follow these instructions correctly you must use your PC or laptop computer. If you try to follow these instructions on your mobile phone or tablet it may not work because of the mobile site design. So, please use use your laptop or personal computer.

How To Remove Your UnitedKingdomDates Account / Profile
Login to

Next click on Settings link located on the top right of the site.
Click on the grey button "Delete My Account" that you can find at the very bottom of the page.
An alert will pop up asking "Note: There is no way back after removing Are you sure?" Click OK.
Now your dating profile will be deleted permanently.
How To Stop Receiving Unwanted Emails

Login to
Next click on Settings link located on the top right of the site.
Click on the circle next to the "No" button next to all emails you want to stop.
Next click on the gray "Save" button to update your settiings to stop the email messages.
How To Contact Their Customer Support Staff

Contact customer support by email at .
Their support phone number is + +31 85 4000597.
Contact their online form at:
Their address is Midsummer Midsummer Online B.V.: Zutphenseweg 51, 7418 AH in Deventer, the Netherlands

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