Friday, December 14, 2018 How to Delete Your Profile and Stop Receiving Email

Please Note: In order to follow these instructions correctly please use your PC or laptop computer. You cannot follow these directions using a mobile phone.

How To Delete Your Profile
First you need to login to
Click on the Settings link that you can find at the bottom part of the site.
And click on the "Delete My Account" grey button.
Your account will be deleted now.

How To Stop Receiving Email Messages
First login to
Click on the Settings link that you can find at the bottom part of the site.
Next click on "No" next to all email notifications that you want to stop getting.
Then click "Save" to update your email notifications, this will stop all the emails that you're getting.
How To Contact Their Customer Support

You can email support at .
Their support phone number: +31 85 4000597.
Use their online form to reach there support:
address is Midsummer Online B.V.: Zutphenseweg 51, 7418 AH in Deventer, the Netherlands.

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