Friday, December 14, 2018 How to Delete Your Profile and Stop Receiving Email

We wrote these instructions using a laptop computer. We strongly recommend that you do not use your mobile phone or a tablet device to follow these instructions because the layout on a phone or tablet is different than it is on a personal or laptop computer. Please use a laptop or PC to follow these directions properly.

How To Delete Your Profile

First you need to login to
Click on this link (, which takes you to the settings page.
Look for "Delete My Account" a pink button found on the bottom right hand side of the page.
A pop will appear "Warning! When you delete your account there is no way back and all your messages and credits will be removed!
Are you sure?"
Click OK.

Now your account will be removed.
How To Stop Receiving Email Messages
First you need to login to
Click on this link (, which takes you to the settings page.
Next uncheck all the emails that you want to stop receiving.
Then click the grey "Save" button to update your email notifications.
How To Contact Their Customer Support

You can email support at
If you have billing issues email them at
Use their online form to reach there support:
address is Lange Dreef 11, 4131 NJ, The Netherlands.

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