15 December 2018

How To Delete Your Profile On Grannylover.co.uk Stop Getting Emails

This tutorial shows you how to delete your profile page from Grannylover.co.uk. We also show you how to stop receiving unwanted emails from the website. And lastly I show you how to contact customer service. Something you should be aware of is this website is fake all the way through. Even on their own terms and conditions page they admit to the fact that their website is fake. They also confess to creating and using fictitious profiles as well as employing paid contractors that chat with you.

Please Note:

 The tutorial on this page should be followed using a laptop or PC computer. Please do not use your mobile phone or tablet because the instructions won't work properly since the layout is different on a mobile device compared to a laptop or PC computer.

How To Delete Your Profile Page
The first thing you need to do is login to Grannylover.co.uk.
On the top of the page click on "View / Edit your account".
You should now be on the "Profile Settings" page.
On the left hand side click on the grey button that says "Delete Account".
Now you need to enter your password and click the blue "Delete Account" button.
This will delete your profile page permanently, as well as all of your messages.
How To Stop Receiving Email Messages
The first thing you need to do is login to Grannylover.co.uk.
On the top of the page click on "View / Edit your account".
Next click on the "Account Settings" link found on the right hand side.
Where is says "Receive Messages?" click "Yes" so the drop down will appear now change it to say "No".
This will stop all the email messages being emailed to you.
How To Contact Their Customer Support Staff
Contact their support staff by online form: Grannylover.co.uk/contact.php

