Friday, December 14, 2018 How to Delete Your Profile and Stop Receiving Email

How To Cancel Your Paid Subscription (Using Your Latop Or PC), Not Mobile Phone
We couldn't find any information that shows you how to cancel your pay membership to the website. Godatenow does offer instructions on how to get reimbursed for credits that you've purchased. Just follow the directions below.

How To Try & Get A Refund
If you want to try and get a refund you can check out their refund page that shows you various options on getting a refund and getting reimbursed for credits that you purchased.

Go to this page tp learn how to get a refund from
How To Delete Your Profile
We couldn't find any way to delete your profile or cancel your account. Even reading through the terms and conditions page we found nothing that helped us. In situations like this what we do is suggest that you delete all your profile pictures and also change all of your personal information. This includes changing your name, changing your age and so forth.

How To Stop Receiving Email Messages & Push Notifications
You need to click on the unsubscribe link located in the email message you received
This is the only method we found to unsubscribe from emails.
How To Contact Their Customer Support
Email customer support staff at
Use their support page to contact their service staff:
Their address is Sono RC LP, 272 Bath Street, Glasgow, Scotland, G2 4JR.

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